Observing nature’s rhythms and aligning with them.
According to the Ayurvedic discipline, The energy of the mind is influenced by the five elements: ether, air, fire, water and earth which further form the following constitutions or Dosha’s: Pitta (fire and water), Kapha (water and earth), Vata (ether and air).
Within a healthy constitution, there is a balance between the three dosha’s, yet amid the speed and sensory overloading in the present world, we can loose our bodily connection and create unbalances which cause aggravation of a particular dosha.
Balance can be encouraged through a focus on the energies we surround ourselves to in the form of our aahar (food), vihar (lifestyle) and vichaar (thoughts) in which herbs can play a crucial role.
Vallverdù aims at restoring this balance through a deeper individual awareness of mind and body. With the emphasis that the skin is our biggest organ and absorbs 60% of what we put on it, Vallverdù presents an atmosphere in which the sincere energies of human and nature become one.
Absorbing health-improving extracts while at the same time reflecting a sensual and vigorous aesthetic.
Inspired by the Ayurvedic wisdom, the Vallverdù collections are build on the Ayurvastra philosophy wherein herbal extracts have been found to be used for curing ailments.
Separately translated “ayur” represents health, “veda” means wisdom, and “vastra”describes clothing.
Evenly as the skin may absorb environmental toxins and chemicals from conventional clothing, it has the ability to absorb natural herb components. With this emphasis, the Vallverdù collections are curated from non violent silk and hand treated with a precise combination of florals and herbs.
Created within the perspective to combine the lively character of the floral patterns with the minimal, yet elegant glance of the monotone herbal extracts.
The colour palette changes continually with the seasons, and the spectrum of colours available.
Vallverdù further focuses on personalised herbal concoctions as there is a unique energy vibration that associates an individual’s constitution with related beneficial effects of specific colors and herbal qualities.